Rocky Mountain North American Championships Individual Finals

For Immediate release:
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Wrapping up Rocky Mountain North American Championships Individual Finals, Serenity Enders was the first to receive gold on the final day. Serenity along with her horse Picasso Lad remained in top spot throughout the 1.10m competition receiving only 4 penalties on the Friday. Sarah Laschuk and Come As You Are received silver coming in close behind with only 4.04 penitalies. Bronze medal was awarded to Marion Ostmeyer and Compass. The 1.10m division split $5,000 in Athlete development bursaries.  

Amelie Louise Bittar dominated the 1.20m division receiving no penalties throughout the competition. Also receiving no faults but a slower times on the first day gave Carly Stevens and LLC Hello Kate silver with 5.80 penalties and Shawna Cook and Caya bronze with 6.49 penalties. The 1.20m division split $6,000 in Athlete development bursaries.  

All riders on the podium in the 1.30m division had no faults thoughout the Championship but Jaclyn Duff dominated receiving no penalties and winning both Wednesday and Sunday competitions. Kristin Russell and Ashtin’s Fabulous were awarded silver with 4.39 penalties and Jesus Francisco Orantes and Juka Van De Door bronze with 6.18 penalties. The 1.30m division split $8,000 in Athlete development bursaries.  

The gold medal was also awarded in the 1.40m division to a rider/horse combination with no penalties, Ali Ramsay and Lutz. Receiving silver was Karissa Enders and Fort Knox WF with clear rounds throughout resulting in 2.87 penalties. Another no fault performance put Amelie Louise Bittar and Star Girl B bronze with 7.81 penalties. The 1.40m division split $11,000 in Athlete development bursaries.  

Animo sponsored all individual Champions with beautifully embroidered Animo Coolers and all Gold, Silver and Bronze medalists received Animo saddle pads. 

Rocky Mountain Show Jumping and Alberta Equestrian Federation would like to thank all riders for participating in a very successful inaugural Championships and look forward to seeing them back next year. 

Rocky Mountain Show Jumping (RMSJ) with the support of the Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF) presents the $150,000 Rocky Mountain North American Championships. After the success of the Under 30 1.30m Championship held in 2018, RMSJ president John Anderson decided to expand on the success of the program to provide a benefit to a wider range of competitors. Building on the success of last year’s event, the AEF was extremely receptive of using funds donated to them from Alberta Sport Connection to help develop athletes’ and support them with their equestrian careers.

The World Equestrian Game format offers $150,000 in Prize Money and Athlete Development Awards the 1.10, 1.20, 1.30 and 1.40m divisions. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals are presented to both team and individuals along with $100,000 in Athlete Development Bursaries and riders compete for $50,000 in prize money.

2019 Rocky Mountain North American Championship – 1.10m

Gold – Serenity Enders
Silver – Sarah Laschuk 
Bronze – Marion Ostmyer
Photo Credit – Amanda Ubell Photography

2019 Rocky Mountain North American Championship – 1.20m

Gold – Amelie Louise Bittar
Silver – Carly Stevens
Bronze – Shauna Cook
Photo Credit – Amanda Ubell Photography

2019 Rocky Mountain North American Championship – 1.30m

Gold – Jaclyn Duff
Silver – Kristin Russell
Bronze – Jesus Francisco Orantes
Photo Credit – Amanda Ubell Photography

2019 Rocky Mountain North American Championship – 1.40m

Gold – Ali Ramsay
Silver – Karissa Enders
Bronze – Amelie Louise Bittar 
Photo Credit – Amanda Ubell Photography